Monday, November 18, 2013

Death to the Urban Tumbleweed

Davis explores legislation regarding the plastic bag ban using the article “For Texas City, Plastic Bag Ban Brings Controversy” as his reference published on the Texas Tribune May 9, 2011. The Texas Tribune article discusses the proposition for Brownsville, which Austin recently adopted on March 1, 2013. Brownsville was the first Texas city to implement the bag ban in Texas, and Davis alongside many other Texans, believe that the legislation is “outrageous”. I disagree with Davis’s opposition to the bag ban and I feel that his article “Plastic Bags” focuses on the wrong issue regarding the law against plastic bags. Davis argues that it is an unreasonable dictation that is largely revolved around money. He also states that Texas is the only state to implement these laws which is false: California, Oregon, and North Carolina have cities that adopted similar legislation. The bag ban is not an issue of cushioning our economy, but preserving our city, and by proxy our planet. I find that there is no real argument against the bag ban with most people complaining that it is merely inconvenient, in which I will agree. I am outrageously forgetful and as a repercussion I am constantly forgetting my bags when I go grocery shopping. Yet instead of griping about the lack of a plastic bag, I push the shopping cart to my car and unload the groceries. If I am in a hurry, once I arrive home I will get a laundry basket to carry them in, but that’s it that is the end of my inconvenience, and to me it seems like a rather small price to pay in order to help reduce pollution. 
If there is any major frustration I find regarding the plastic bag ban it is that with it, many shoppers have decided to push the carts to their cars AND LEAVE THEM THERE! We shouldn’t allow these hooligans to run amuck in our civilized society, what if it hits my nice new Hummer and destroys the paint? I mean, I realize it’s a huge inconvenience to walk a maximum of 5ft to put it in the return lane, and after an exhausting trip of unloading my groceries in the car it seems unreasonable…

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